Жич: Семинар үнэ төлбөргүй, семинарт суусан багш нарт сертификат олгоно.
Болох газар: ШУТИС – н төв байрны хурлын танхим
Бүртгэл: Бямба 09:00.
Семинар: Бямба, Ням 10:00.
“World of Language” ХХК
Бага тойруу 41, Залуучууд зочид буудлын өргөтгөл ,Камин галерейн 1 давхарт 1 тоот
Багшийн хөгжлийн ордон, 1 давхарт, номын павильон
Tel: (976) 70110524, 80089810, 88974568
E mail: office@foreignbookinmongolia.com
Web site: www.foreignbookinmongolia.com
Facebook/Англи хэлний номын худалдаа
[:][:en]The “World of Language” LLC in cooperation with the “Express Publishing” Co Ltd (UK) cordially invites you to a free seminar on “Methodology of English language teaching” that would take place on 03rd and 04th December 2016.
Venue: The main Auditorium of MUST (Mongolian University of Science and Technology)
Registration: Saturday, 03rd December 2016 at 9 am.
Seminar: Saturday, Sunday December 2016 at 10:00 am
“World of Language” LLC
Baga Toiruu Str 41, Enlargement of the “Youth” Hotel, Kamin Gallery, 1st Floor, No 1
The Institute teacher’s professional development, 1st floor, pavilion
Tel: (976) 70110524, 80089810, 88974568
E mail: office@foreignbookinmongolia.com
Web site: www.foreignbookinmongolia.com
Facebook/Англи хэлний номын худалдаа